British Values
The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
How do we promote British Values at Tow Law Millennium Primary School?
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
We uphold the British value of Democracy through:
- Facilitating a democratic process for electing school councillors and the running of the council.
- Ensuring through the suggestion box that all pupils in school have a ‘voice’ that is listened to.
- Teaching about the democratic process in Britain, at both a local and national level.
- Teaching about the structure and work of Parliament, keeping children informed of major and minor events which can be discussed.
- Ensuring that discussion of choices is evident across the curriculum and school day throughout all classes.
- Giving opportunities in all subject areas for pupils to work together in groups, participate in activities, formulate views and ideas, listen to each other and respectfully disagree where appropriate.
We uphold the British value of the Rule of Law by:
- Ensuring children are taught the value and reason behind laws and rules and the consequences of breaking them (KS1 bears system and KS2 tracking system).
- Engaging with the local community police service.
- Exploring school rules and how these differ to laws.
- Regularly inviting representatives from various groups, such as Police, charities and the local church to visit our school and talk to the children in both lessons and assemblies.
We uphold the British value of individual liberty by:
- Providing our extra-curricular provision, which children choose to follow their own interests. Extra-curricular activities offer equal opportunities for boys and girls in sport and other areas.
- Encouraging children to make own choices knowing that they are in a safe environment.
- Directing our Pupil Premium funding to ensure that pupils from less advantaged families have similar opportunities to their more advantaged peers to engage in school life.
- Expecting children to develop responsibility in many ways in school including being playground buddies, members of school council, laptop monitors, Head Teacher’s assistants.
- Expecting children to take responsibility in every class for a variety of roles which assist in the running of the classroom.
- Encouraging children to have responsibility for their own possessions, behaviour and work, both at school and at home and to always do their personal best in all aspects of school life.
- Training staff to deliver information about keeping safe on the internet to all our children and providing information to parents about this.
We promote the mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs by:
- Teaching our RE curriculum, which includes values of understanding, tolerance and respect for others, including those of other faiths.
- Holding discussing in Literacy, RE, PSHCE and assembly times which allow children to develop respect for the opinions, values and beliefs of others.
- Visiting different places of worship to encounter diversity of faiths and beliefs first hand (two year rolling programme including: Sikh Gurdwara, Hindu Temple, Durham Cathedral and Church of England local church – St Philip and St James’, Tow Law).
- Holding multi-cultural festival days across the year, culminating in a family assembly for each festival to share what children have learnt (yearly timetable, one festival/British Value day celebrated each half term).
- Encouraging children to be involved in community events within Tow Law such as Queen’s 90th birthday street party organised by the Friends of Tow Law and the memorial Christmas tree.
Statement of British Values TLMPS 2021
British Values in the Curriculum 2018 – 2019
British Values in the Curriculum 2017 – 2018
British Values in the Curriculum 2016 – 2017
British Values in the Curriculum 2015 – 2016
In summary:
Tow Law Millennium Primary School recognises its duty to prepare its pupils for life in modern Britain, in which living as a global citizen in the twenty first century, means they need to understand, appreciate and celebrate our differences, whilst understanding what makes us all the same.
SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We actively promote the SMSC development of our pupils.
Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.
Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
Investigate moral issues; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the fundamental values of British democracy.
Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
Each year, a document is produced that includes evidence for SMSC development across the curriculum and school life.
TLMPS SMSC policy 2021
SMSC Evidence Grid 2018 – 2019
SMSC Evidence Grid 2017 – 2018
SMSC Evidence Grid 2016 – 2017
SMSC at TLMPS 2015 – 2016
Multi-Cultural Days 2018 – 2019
Multi cultural days 2017 – 2018
Multi-Cultural Days 2016 – 2017
SMSC in the Curriculum TLMPS