Welcome to Class 1
I am Mrs McNally and I am the teacher of year 5 and 6 children at Tow Law. As always, if any parents need to discuss anything regarding their child’s education please don’t hesitate to come and see me.
Our Learning
Further information about our curriculum is available on our website.
We will be learning about a wide range of topics and concepts during this year. It continues to be vital for all children continue to read every day with a parent/carer, as fluency in reading and understanding vocabulary is vital to all our work. This will help the children get the most out of school.
Please remember to have your PE kit ( blue shorts, yellow t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms and trainers) in school on a Monday till a Friday when it can be taken home to be washed. The children need to have their trainers/ plimsolls in each day so they can complete the daily mile with staff. Class 1 PE lessons are on a Wednesday and a Friday.
Homework in Class 1
Children will be bringing home a reading book each night to read this is along with their reading time in school. Our accelerated reader scheme is continuing this year and the children need to complete their book each week so they can complete their reading quiz in school.
Children in class 1 need to practice their decimal, fraction and percentage conversion facts. This is in addition to learning their times tables, if they don’t know them already.
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