Welcome to Class 4 – our Early Years Foundation Stage Unit
We currently have a mixed Nursery and Reception class in our school, our learning space is split across 3 classrooms. The Sun Beam room, where children enter the school and self register. Then we have the Creative Room where we have lots of areas including making our own play dough, completing phonics activities and mixing our own paint. Then we have the Discovery Room where the children complete focused activities and explore many areas including the home corner and construction area .
Early Years and starting our school may be your child’s first experience of the wider world away from family, we aim to provide a rich and fulfilling learning environment to build strong foundations to progress through school life.
Our Early Years unit
Click this link to watch our EYFS video!
Miss Mawson Class Teacher
Miss James
Mrs Wilkinson
Miss Gardner
Miss Smith
Our curriculum
The Early Years curriculum is split into 7 areas – Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and expressive Art and Design. All learning in our setting is a mixture of adult led and play based learning, we offer short focused lessons and then the children have the chance to develop their knowledge and understanding further in the provision.
Communication and Language:
- Listening attentively, including while completing tasks
- Listening to stories and responding to prompts and ideas
- Following instructions to carry out activities
- Expression of ideas, including real-life and fictional ideas
- Using past, present and future forms of language
Physical Development:
- Developing control and coordination of movement
- Handling equipment and tools, including for writing
- Learning about healthy diet and exercise
- Managing their own hygiene and personal needs
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
- Building confidence to choose activities and discuss ideas
- Build awareness of needing help, and confidence to ask
- Confidence to speak in a group of familiar peers
- Working as part of a group, following rules where appropriate
- Forming positive relationships with peers and adults
- Playing co-operatively, taking turns
- Split into 3 areas – comprehension, word reading and writing
- Use phonics to decode straightforward words
- Read simple sentences
- Discuss what has been read
- Use phonics knowledge to write simple words and sentences
- Counting and number recognition
- Automatic recall of number bonds to 5
- Developing a secure understand of numerical patterns
- Subitise up to 5
Understanding the World:
- Developing an understanding about themselves and the world around them.
- Exploring the natural world
- Comparing people, cultures and communities
Expressive Art and Design:
- Experiment with songs, music and dance
- Use a range of artistic materials, tools and techniques
- Work imaginatively to create new works
- Represent ideas through art, music, role-play, dance and stories
We follow Essential Letters and Sounds phonics. The children follow this programme until the end of KS1. In Nursery we also have phonics activities several times per week.
Behaviour policy
We have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and we have clear systems in school for promoting positive behaviour. Each day every child starts on the sunshine and have chance to move to the rainbow for exceptional behaviour. Children may also be moved to the sad cloud or thunder cloud for not following school rules. Parents and the Headteacher are notified if a child is moved to the thunder cloud. Children who have shown exceptional behavioural and have been moved to the rainbow will get a dip in the box on that day. Children receive a behaviour certificate at the end of each half term for consistently good behaviour.
Useful information for Reception parents
- Our PE day is Wednesday. We will start getting changed for PE after October half term. Can you please send you child’s PE kit in every Wednesday after half term. This consists of blue shorts and a yellow t-shirt.
Useful information for all parents
- Please label all of your children’s belongings, including footwear and water bottles.
- We love the outdoors and provide waterproofs for all children, please could we ask for you to provide a pair of wellington boots for your child that can stay in school for the full academic year.
- The children have access to lots of messy play including paint, water, sand and much more. Please could we ask for all children to have a full change of named clothes in school.
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