At Tow Law Millennium Primary School, we treat everyone equally and fairly regardless of…
Age | Disability | Gender |
Gender Identity | Race and Nationality | Religion or Belief |
Pregnancy | Marriage | Sexual Orientation |
We believe that all pupils have an equal right to develop and achieve their potential. Equality of opportunity underpins the school curriculum and the work of the school. Children at Tow Law Millennium are treated as individuals with their own abilities, difficulties, attitudes, backgrounds and experiences.
Educate and Celebrate
During 2019 and 2020, we had the brilliant opportunity to be involved in the ‘Educate and Celebrate’ Programme, which aims to ‘transform schools and organisations into LGBTQ+ friendly places, creating a safe environment for staff, students, governors and parents to thrive and achieve, enabling everyone to be themselves without fear of discrimination.’ The aim of the programme is very simple – to stamp out any form of homophobic or transphobic bullying by educating children about LGBTQ+, using stories, assemblies, the curriculum – any way we can!
We are very excited to tell you that we were awarded the Gold Educate and Celebrate Pride in Inclusion Award in March 2021.
Tow Law Millennium Primary School GOLD Educate & Celebrate certificate