Welcome from the Head Teacher
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. Choosing your child’s school is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. At Tow Law Millennium Primary School our staff team, in partnership with the Governing Body, strive to provide the very best opportunities and experiences for children and by looking through our website, I hope to give you an insight into the wonderful opportunities and developments we have to offer. TLMPS is a vibrant school where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve and they are truly at the heart of every decision we make.
Our most recent Ofsted Inspection was on 14 February 2023 and we continue to be judged to be a ‘Good’ school. Here are a couple of quotes I would like to share with you:
‘This is a school where staff and pupils have mutual respect’.
‘Leaders have high expectations for all pupils in all aspects of school life’.
‘Respect and understanding permeate how pupils play, learn and grow together’.
The report is very positive and I urge you to read it.
Parents were full of praise for the school, citing the approachability of leaders and the willingness of all staff to ‘bend over backwards’ to help and support pupils. I would like to thank all those parents who took the time to take part in the inspection survey and for your passionate support of our school.
LGBTQ+ Gold Award, Investing in Children, Young Carers’ Charter, The Wellbeing Award for Schools and our most recent award, Inclusion Quality Mark Centre for Excellence, are a few of our achievements on our journey over the past 3 years.
Throughout school, wellbeing has continued to be a focus and we have a strong ‘Change Team’ who meet regularly to look at how we can ensure we are focusing on wellbeing throughout the school community. We were very proud to be awarded the ‘Wellbeing Award for School’ in December 2021 as a celebration and verification of all we do.
Our Early Years facilities offer high quality provision in a respectful and caring environment. We recognise and celebrate that all children are individuals and, as such, develop at different rates, have different interests and come from varied cultural backgrounds. We strive to ensure our provision reflects and supports all children, both indoors and outdoors.
We have always had a good relationship with two local childminders and continue to offer them the use of the school outside facilities during the holiday periods.
Governors have had another very pro-active year implementing a 3-year programme of work, carrying out a review skills audit and continuing to support the school. Meetings are now being held in a hybrid manner to support all Governors to attend.
I would also like to thank the Town Council for their continued support of our school, Shaws of Durham Coach Hire, Councillor Manchester, all the shops/businesses in Tow Law, the whole school staff for all their hard work and commitment to our school and last, but my no means least, all our children and parents/carers.
Lisa Jackson
Head Teacher