Our sports day was a fantastic success and everyone had a brilliant time!
Children from KS1 and KS2 took part in a carousel of activities before the races began. Children from Year 6 planned and ran the carousel of activities with activities ranging from throwing skills, football skills, javelin, shotput to an obstacle course. The children then had the option to join in with races. There were a selection of races: sprint, long distance, hurdles and relay. Also, of course, there was the toddlers race and parents race!
We were very lucky with the weather, it started raining five minutes after the final race had finished!
Thank you to everyone who came along to support their children and the teams.
A final, massive well done to ‘Jessica Ennis’ team who won sports day overall.
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EYFS took part in a separate sports day. Our nursery children took part in a carousel style sports day with a variety of activities located on their yard. Children in reception completed races on the field.