Our Mathematics subject lead is Miss Mawson.
The intention of the maths curriculum at Tow Law Millennium Primary School is to ensure that our children are taught how to become, resilient, independent and competent mathematicians who are well prepared for the next stage of their academic journey. We strive to enable our pupils to develop a deep, conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts that they can apply across the curriculum and in real life contexts. We aim to facilitate maths by teaching children to engage in discussions about maths and explain their thinking using mathematical vocabulary as well as teaching children to see mathematical concepts in different ways – through concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. In addition to this we encourage all children including SEND children to use their preferred method to access the curriculum.
Our aim for teaching mathematics at our school is to ensure that all pupils leave school: confident in the basics of mathematics, able to reason using mathematical language and have the confidence and resilience to apply their understanding of maths to increasingly complex and abstract problems.
We stress the importance of knowing multiplication tables. It is our intent that pupils at Tow Law Millennium Primary School will leave year 4 being able to rapidly recall their multiplication and division facts up to 12 times 12.
Our maths curriculum is sequenced so that prior knowledge is built upon within each unit. The maths units are taught in blocks according to the School’s Long Term Plan. This is so that pupils have enough time to explore concepts in depth and hopefully ‘master them’. From this plan the teachers then use the medium term plans containing National Curriculum objectives and teachers ensure the learning is sequenced. To ensure concepts remain fresh in children’s minds, units interweave prior learning with new concepts. In addition, we interweave prior learning in each class by starting each day with 30 Numeracy Basic Skills questions so that concepts are revisited on a daily basis, these questions are kept challenging so that all children from SEND to MA succeed.
We implement our curriculum from nursery and the children are encouraged to use manipulatives and representations to develop understanding. Children are taught how to use concrete resources effectively across the school within their maths lessons as appropriate to their age. Maths resources are available in each classroom and children can access them to aid their maths’ understanding. We encourage children to be independent learners and choose appropriate equipment to support themselves, to support this we provide a range of these practical experiences for children from Nursery through Reception to Key Stage 1 so that children’s mathematics learning experiences are integrated throughout the day. In addition, we also support staff by providing them with CPD as appropriate, this can come in the form of cross cluster support, or support from the co-ordinator and information received via network meetings.
The impact is that pupils at Tow Law Millennium Primary School will leave the school achieving their full potential within their Math’s work. Children will make at least good progress in Maths from their last point of statutory assessment, or from their starting point in EYFS.
Please follow this link to view our curriculum policies.
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