Class 3 have been learning recycling and the importance of it. We have started to recycle in school and the children have been very interested in it. They learnt the ‘Busta and Pong’ recycling song and performed it in assembly.
[Slideshow "class-3-assembly-2" not found]
Class 2’s assembly ‘was linked to their class reader ‘The Minpins by Roald Dahl’. In the book the main character, Little Billy, helps the Minpins defeat the terrible Gruncher by flying on the back of the swan. In the book there is mention of Cloudland. The children planned their own story about an adventure in Cloudland, they wrote descriptions about what they thought it would look like and then created a description of their own monster. They then wrote their stories which they read out in assembly.
[Slideshow "class-2-assembly-september" not found]