Health and education experts are offering help and advice to parents on when they can safely send their child to school.
County Durham Care Partnership, which brings together NHS organisations, Durham County Council and other providers to deliver improved, joined up health and social care services, has created an easy-read chart to help parents who are unsure if their child should stay at home or go to class.
The information follows Government guidelines on spotting the signs of Covid-19.
Sarah Burns, head of integrated strategic commissioning for Durham County Council and NHS County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “Since pupils returned to schools earlier this month we have become very aware of the increased demand on NHS111 and GP practices from worried parents.
“We know that when it can be difficult for parents to decide if they should send their child to school during the ongoing pandemic. This infographic has been designed by our local GPs to help inform parents what to do if they worry that their child may be unwell.
“If children are showing signs of Covid-19, a high temperature, a continuous cough or loss of smell or taste then we would recommend that the whole household self-isolate and book a test. All members of the household must stay at home until the test results are known.
“Similarly if children have diarrhoea and vomiting then we would recommend that they remain off school for at least 48 hours or until they feel well enough to return, as tummy bugs can also be very contagious.
“But as long as your child is feeling well, has not otherwise been told to self-isolate and there are no other household members with COVID symptoms, then it is ok to send them to school.”
Parents should continue to seek help from their GP if needed or contact NHS111 if their surgery is closed.”
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